On Heraldry and Symbols

While I am experimenting with scale on my marine model, I figured I’d also address the subject of my squad, company and chapter markings.
Once again I went for something a bit different (getting the sense I do that more often then not), and something to further complicate my life :P
The Company marking is on the left knee pad or greave (the sample IA marine to the left is in the 5th company). The left shoulder pad has the chapter symbol (a silhouetted eagle’s head) in black, while the right pad has the squad type designation (in this case a tactical marine) with the squad number below it towards the front of the marine (II or 2nd squad in the sample).
Originally I had thought about painting the band around the shoulder pad to show what company the marine belongs to (like the Ultramarines), but ultimately decided I liked the black rim on the red pads.
I have also debated changing the squad type designation symbols to black instead of white, may try it on one during this test run and see how it turns out. I had also debated putting the squad number inside of the squad type – putting the II over the arrow in this case – but that may just be too much of a pain in the bottom.
I’ll get my next stage posted soon – been prepping for a trip to Montana (hiking Glacier Park and Yellowstone), so, been busy with that as well. If it wasn’t for this blog challenge, I don’t think I’d even be getting this little done ;P
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