The model to the left is an old Space Hulk model that I painted for a bit of fun, and to continue to test out the color scheme – sorry for the picture being so blurry. I really like the idea of using the metallic gold/brass/bronze colors for my force – since they are the Golden Eagles after all – though I often think it would be easier to pick a non-metallic color to work with. I may post some work on the color scheme in the next blog when I have a bit more time.
Speaking of time, this weekend will be quite on the blog for me, as I will be out and about for the holiday weekend. I did however breakout all the components for my first marine, and may well tackle a rather ambitious conversion project with this first test model something that will slow me down even further:P
My plan is to attempt to do a more ‘true scale’ Space Marine – something that looks a bit more imposing when standing next to your average guardsman. The marine models always came off a bit stocky to me – and never really made me feel like they were representative of the fluff (with marines ranging from 7-8 feet tall).
Now, I don’t want to go through a process that is so utterly time consuming that each marine takes a week just to convert, so the challenge is going to be working with the existing model and making it a bit larger.
Right now I am leaning towards making the torso a bit longer – and will likely add a little to the arm and leg lengths. This should help make the marine look taller, without requiring too much work. I may also chop up the leg knee joints to straighten the legs a bit more – which should also add to their height.
Anyway, I’ll be working on that idea while traveling and see what I come up with. I’ll do my best to get the first guy modified and posted next week – along with a comparison shot next to an IG model.
Then I’ll realize I am too ambitious and go back to playing WoW...
If you cut that thing out of his hands and mount it on the Terminator w/Heavy Flamer arm you have your assault cannon.
Yeah, I think I may well be using that:) Though I still like he idea of converting the Tau burst cannon - that old hard plaastic is rough to work with:P
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